Valentine Psychology Ronald J. Valentine Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist
   Valentine Psychology      Ronald J. Valentine Ph.D.Clinical Psychologist 

A Look at Our Practice

Dr. Valentine 

understands the importance of providing patients with a warm, friendly and familiar atmosphere.  We are centrally located in Garner  with plenty of parking.  Our practice is located in a discreet, easily accessible office... set up for your privacy.   We are not a fancy place...but we care....and we value you and your experience.   

Take a look at the photo gallery below to get acquainted with our practice. We look forward to welcoming you personally at Valentine Psychology.  

Where to Find Us

Ronald J. Valentine, Ph.D.

1201 Aversboro Rd

Garner, NC 27529 


Phone: 919-779-3188

Fax: 919-779-4223


Or use our contact form.

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© Ronald J Valentine Phd.